Wonder Bread
Wonder Bread store display poster lot, Close Encounters of the Third Kind trading cards
- Very attractive group of store displays for a 1977 promotion for trading cards packed in bags of Wonder Bread.
- POLE SIGN: The largest piece with the white borders on the top and bottom was meant to be folded so the sign could be mounted on a pole. This is printed on a heavier stock paperboard material and measures 20" wide and 32" tall.
- POSTER: Printed on sturdy poster paper, all the examples of this I have were damaged in a similar way stacked in storage. Measures 20" wide and 24" tall.
- WOBBLER: This plastic 4x4" sign was meant to hang on the edge of shelves.
We have purchased sturdy 4" tubes, which are wide enough for the cardstock signs to be rolled without damaging the paper.